Investment Adviser Representatives Continuing Education

NASAA has announced a new model rule that represents the culmination of years of work by state securities regulators to develop a relevant and responsive CE program.

IARs will need to attain 12 CE credits each year to maintain their IAR registration. This includes 6 credits of Products and Practices and 6 credits of Ethics and Professional Responsibility. An IAR who is also registered as an agent of a FINRA member firm and complies with FINRA’s CE requirement may be considered in compliance with the Products and Practices component. These individuals are only required to complete 6 hours of Ethics and Professional Responsibility training annually. FINRA will not allow any duplicated courses to count toward the IAR CE requirement, even if completed in another year.

Depending on your status, choose from one of our IAR CE packages below. Once completed, STC will automatically report your CE certification to FINRA.

IAR Exam Details: 1 Hour Each Module │ 10 Question Exam │ 70% Passing Score Required

IAR Exam Prep Packages

Purchase IAR Courses Individually

If you prefer to purchase a course individually, please select from the options below.

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Ethics & Professional Responsibility 6 Hour IAR CE Bundle

12 Hour Combined IAR CE Bundle

Products & Practices 6 Hour IAR CE Bundle